The City of Turku

Promoting the use of large-volume side streams and landmasses in cities. © 6Aika

The City of Turku and its neighbouring municipalities constitute a vibrant growth centre in the Baltic Rim. The Turku region, home to more than 190,000 residents, is the third largest urban area in Finlad. Founded in the 13th century, Turku is the oldest city in Finland. Turku is known for its bold innovativeness, youthful university life, rich culture and many sports and events. Turku boasts a diverse economic structure, the most beautiful archipelago in the world as well as ambitious goals when it comes to climate and circular economy.

How has Turku promoted circular economy in the past?

Southwest Finland was the first Finnish region to prepare a regional roadmap towards circular economy. The Turku region is currently updating a new resource wisdom and circular economy roadmap package in cooperation with the international ICLEI network. The City of Turku and the Finland Futures Research Centre have also been researching the current status of circular economy operators in the Turku region. More than 700 circular economy operators were identified as part of the research, 270 of which are companies engaged in circular economy operations.

Despite its relatively small size as a city, Turku aims to play a large role in circular economy by sharing the best practices internationally. As part of the GCCC (Green Circular Cities Coalition) network, Turku is developing circular economy and sharing solutions with cities in countries such as China and Japan.

Greenhouse gas emissions in the Turku region have been considerably reduced with the use of circular economy solutions, among other things. Between 2014 and 2018, the city-owned power supplier Turku Energia and its partners invested EUR 300 million in low-carbon energy production. The Kakolanmäki wastewater treatment plant collects heat from wastewater to produce district heat for about 24,000 residents. The recovery of heat from wastewater at Kakolanmäki also produces district cooling for the entire Turku region.

The City of Turku and its group of companies promote circular economy through active cooperation and diverse projects. Turku Science Park and its partners are developing the use of large-volume side streams and landmasses in cities and promoting business operations and jobs based on circular and sharing economy. Turku is also working towards carbon-neutral and resource-wise business districts and construction sites.

Turku’s goals as a pioneering municipality

In accordance with the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan adopted in 2018, Turku aims to become a carbon-neutral urban area by the year 2029. From 2029 onwards, Turku aims to be a climate-positive region with negative net emissions.

As a pioneering city in circular economy, Turku is committed to pursue a zero-waste, zero-emissions future and sustainable use of natural resources and to implement these principles of resource wisdom by the year 2040.

More information

Published 2020-02-11 at 11:20, updated 2020-02-11 at 11:31
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