Lappeenranta one of the finalists in a prestigious international environmental city competition
Lappeenranta has been chosen as one of the finalists in the competition for the European Green Leaf Award 2021.
Circwaste pioneers tackling waste generation
The goal has been to promote material efficiency and recycling tangibly and ambitiously in ten pioneering communities in the circular economy.
Speeding up circular economy – Circwaste municipalities and regions actively engaged in programme work
One of the highlights of circular economy this autumn will be the strategic programme. It is being finalised under the leadership of the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Economic Affair...
From pilot experiments towards industrial production of recycled plastics
The Karelia University of Applied Sciences is investigating whether it would be profitable to establish an industrial-scale plant in the North Karelia region, which would handle construction and agric...
Schoolchildren are building a circular economy at Lappeenranta Junior University
The theme of circular economy is strongly involved in environmental education at Lappeenranta Junior University, also known as Uniori. Uniori is part of LUT University's unique learning and teaching p...
Towards a resource-wise Europe – New Circular Economy Action Plan published
In March, the European Commission published a new Circular Economy Action Plan. Its goal is for products that end up on the market to be designed and manufactured to be durable, repairable, and recycl...
New ideas from circular economy audits for Riihimäki's resource wisdom work
In the city of Riihimäki, an extensive circular economy audit of the entire municipal group was carried out in autumn 2019.
With circular economy towards sustainable development
The European Commission launched the European Green Deal, a green development programme and roadmap, at the beginning of the year. Its mission is to pave the way for sustainable growth and towards cli...
Pioneering municipalities Ii, Jyväskylä and Rovaniemi release their road maps to circular economy
In the Circwaste project designed to promote circular economy, the pioneering municipalities Ii, Jyväskylä and Rovaniemi have published their road maps to circular economy to guide the resource wisdom...
Public procurements can expedite low-carbon circular economy
Public procurements and investments can be the force to steer us towards low-carbon circular economy.
Young people brainstorming circular business models – Circula game as sounding board
In the future, more and more people may find employment based on circular economy. A wonderful game called Circula, especially designed for young people, illustrates some of the business opportunities...
Jyväskylä is the circular economy municipality of 2019
The City of Jyväskylä was announced as the winner at the Kuntamarkkinat municipal fair on 11 September. The City of Lappeenranta and the City of Oulu received honourable mentions.
Information flow must be improved in order to avoid hazardous substances from being reused
Finland aims to promote circular economy as part of the mitigation of the climate crisis and the sustainable use of natural resources. However, problems for the health of people or the environment mus...
An event called Tulevaisuuden palasia presented tangible examples of the circular economy
The Circwaste project participated in an event called Tulevaisuuden palasia at the Finnish science centre Heureka by building a smartphone puzzle, which taught about the raw materials required for mak...
Pioneering municipalities active on the path of circular economy
In 2017, the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) selected ten pioneering municipalities in circular economy. The aim has been to promote material-efficiency and recycling in the municipalities in a t...
Take a biogas bus for a silent and almost zero-emission ride
The local transport in the Jyväskylä region in Finland has used environmentally-friendly low-emission biogas buses since July.
Lahti becomes the European Green Capital in 2021
The City of Lahti is a Circwaste pioneering municipality and a FISU-municipality and now it is the first Finnish city to be appointed as the European Green Capital.
Resource-wise public procurement requires stronger resources
Public procurements help facilitate circularity and create safer living environments. The state of public procurement has been assessed with a number of surveys, the results of which keep highlighting...
Hazardous substances now on everyone’s lips
The circular economy is currently a hot topic in Finland. One of the objectives of the recently published Government Programme is to strengthen Finland’s role as a circular economy pioneer. From the p...
The environmental impact of plastic packaging can be halved in the next ten years
According to VTT, halving the environmental impact of plastic in the next ten years is possible by improving plastic recycling, replacing plastics with renewable materials and changing consumption hab...